The Online Consumer Perception of COVID-19 Vaccines in the US | Brands and Conversations That Went...Viral

The U.S. has administered 404 million COVID-19 vaccine doses so far and roughly half of the population is fully vaccinated. The current vaccination rate in the US is at an average of 783,896 doses per day. If continued at the same pace, it will take another 3 months to fully vaccinate 75% of the population.


However, the vaccination campaign has slowed. Be it because of the news about the vaccine side effects and safety issues or because of the hesitancy coming from scientific and political beliefs, a part of the population is still reluctant to get vaccinated. Despite the fact that the best vaccines are highly effective, it takes a coordinated campaign to stop a pandemic. Experts say that vaccinating 70% to 85% of the U.S. population would enable a return to normalcy.


As things further progress into 2021, and consumers both around the globe and right here at home in the United States expect their lives to return to normalcy as soon as possible, vaccine manufacturing pharma companies need to take advantage of social listening platforms to better position themselves by identifying key consumer concerns in real-time and spread the positive word about the efficacy of the vaccines and counter any misinformation coming from anti-vaccine groups. Whether it’s about side effects, safety, scientific or even political beliefs, consumers have quite a bit to say with their online conversations on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, etc., and brands and healthcare organizations need to listen if they wish to inject pro-vaccine mentality into the consumers’ minds. 


Get this report to discover:
  • Most-discussed COVID-19 vaccine topics and consumer sentiment towards the vaccines

  • Top vaccine brands in the US by their share of voice and consumer perception

  • How netizens are measuring the effectiveness of the vaccines

  • Most-discussed vaccine side effects and viral consumer conversations

  • Types of vaccine hesitancy & consumer concerns and most-engaged Vaccine Dosage conversations
