As the school year begins, Digimind is proud to share its brilliant grades for early 2010. Over Q1 and Q2 (from Jan. 1st to Jun. 30th), the company records a 34% increase rate in revenue compared to the same period in 2009. EBIT...
The Digimind-Compliance solution is the latest breakthrough in KYC (Know Your Customer) software. Leveraging web information to automate the process of checking for money-laundering, tax evasions, terrorism finance and other...
Intelligence teams go through a complex process to gather information and present it in a manner that informs their company. However, at times disconnect between intelligence teams and the rest of the company can occur....
BOSTON, MA, January 6, 2010 – DIGIMIND, the leading provider of intelligence software, has been nominated as a finalist of the 2010 SIIA CODiE Awards for the “Best Solution Integrating Content into Workflow” category.
[colonne=453] Every year the SCIP organization gathers Competitive Intelligence professionals in Europe. This year, SCIP set its conference in Amsterdam, The Netherlands from 11/4 to 11/6. The conference will take place at the...
"[...] Vietnam wants to set up a quest for power coupled with a policy of economic security. The state apparatus turns to this desire dear to marxism: cope with contradictions. Indeed, the Doi Moi is the mix of market economy...
"LinkedIn has become the most popular of the professionally focused social media sites, and therefore a goldmine for various competitive intelligence tidbits, sometimes disclosed inadvertently. What I particularly love about...
"Do smart b-to-b marketers use every available source of information to learn about developments in their competitive spaces? Not necessarily, according to a recent Hoover's poll gauging our audience's use of social media for...
"How many times have you been asked about competitive intelligence? Someone sincerely wants to know what you do and how you might be helpful so they ask the obvious.