Newsroom | Digimind

Digimind 8.5 : Proactive Competitive Intelligence

Written by admin | Oct 14, 2010 4:51:55 PM

More than ever strongly innovating and committed to the intelligence community, the Digimind company releases today version 8.5 of its still unparalleled intelligence software suite to empower CI practitioners with additional flexibility and autonomy.

Digimind 8.5 unleashes powerful and easy-to-use features allowing CI practitioners not only to react faster to internal demands but also to proactively serve their constituents.

At the time explosion of digital information has become paramount, the CI teams often react to internal demands instead of proactively providing actionable intelligence to their clients.

CI tools that are both flexible and easy-to-use constitute a very viable option to handle that situation. Indeed nowadays intelligence teams no longer have the time to contract consulting firms or to outsource their web monitoring tasks as the time allotted to process internal intelligence demands shrunk.

The Digimind 8.5 release has been specifically designed to empower CI teams and incorporates several unparalleled improvements accelerating the pace of converting raw web data into actionable intelligence. With Digimind 8.5, CI practitioners can now beat their internal deadlines and can proactively serve their constituents.

Departing from many CI solutions, Digimind 8.5 offers CI practitioners with a total flexibility over their intelligence domains. With Digimind 8.5, not only CI practitioners can fine-tune their intelligence results but they can also create, modify, and extend intelligence projects at any time and at fix cost.

    Thanks to the Digimind 8.5 pre-defined and qualified web-sources packages; the time to set-up new intelligence projects shrinks 3 fold down to few minutes.
    With Digimind 8.5, CI practitioners gain can take full control over their intelligence projects from mastering the web-sources they wish to track and from managing their related taxonomies through a simple graphical interface.
    Digimind 8.5 includes advanced project management tools to manage statistics about web-sources, success of reports, and to collect users’ feedback. From automating the information workflow and from measuring its efficiency, CI practitioners can leverage on Digimind 8.5 to multiply.

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