We are passionate about cutting edge technology and use it to build solutions that do not exist yet.
We find the most efficient way to do things, even if it is not the most conventional way. We have initiative, we value experience, exploration, and the right to fail. We don’t complain about issues, we solve them.





We strive to have a positive impact on our fellow workers, our clients, and the community as a whole.
We help each other, we listen, we’re honest and keep promises. We aim to bring value to our clients and help them succeed. We make ethical commitments and strive to bring value to society.





We aim at continuously getting better, individually, and as a team.
We seek continuous improvement and efficiency. We are hard workers, while maintaining a strong work/life balance. We value ambition, interpersonal skills, results and innovation. We are always willing to learn and focus on getting better.

Hello from Singapore! I’m Olivier, Customer Success Director, APAC. This year marks my 10 years’ anniversary at Digimind; I’ve spent 6 of it leading customer success in Asia Pacific and loving every day (and the weather 🌞!)

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Olivier Girard, Customer Success Director, APAC
Corporate Social Responsibility

Work with an impact

Corporate Social Responsibility

Community giving

Corporate Social Responsibility

Community giving

Digiminders around the world are encouraged to participate in social activities for the benefit of local communities. Such actions are either coming from CSR partnerships with local associations, or from employee-led initiatives.

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Digimind Family

Join for the work, keep friends for life

Work Hard
Play Hard
Give Back

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